Our Phobia Articles

Healthy fear vs Unhealthy fear
Phobia Treatments

Is there a cure for phobias?

This is perhaps the most commonly asked question when discussing phobias. Automatically because phobias are seen as a medical condition we assume there is a

Useful Articles

How to control panic attacks

For those who have experienced panic attacks they are real, can be extremely worrying but thankfully you can learn to control them. In simple terms

Different Phobias

Coulrophobia, a fear of clowns

A fear of clowns, or to give it the correct name Coulrophobia, is something very much in the news at the moment with newspaper reports

Dont ignore phobias
Understanding Phobias

Phobias, out of sight, out of mind?

When you bear in mind the number of people who suffer from phobias and other connected conditions such as depression and anxiety, why are people

Fear of toilets
Understanding Phobias

Phobias and the power of the mind

If you suffer from a phobia it is very easy to get wrapped up in the moment and fail to understand what has brought on

What are the symptoms of phobias?
Phobia Treatments

Do phobia treatments actually work?

If you search the Internet you will see literally thousands upon thousands of different treatments marketed as a way in which to control and hopefully

Fear is our friend
Different Phobias

Exam anxiety

Whether you are someone waiting to take an exam or perhaps you have friends or family taking exams, these can be very stressful times. Exam

Is sleep the key to fighting phobias
Understanding Phobias

Are you suffering from sleep deprivation?

Scientists have proved there is a link between anxiety and sleep deprivation which is obviously bad news for those who suffer from insomnia and other

Phobia Treatments

Do flying phobia courses work?

While many people will snigger and laugh at those who have a phobia of flying, there are many different flying phobia courses available today. Teaching

Fear of toilets
Understanding Phobias

What is a phobia?

The simple question, what is a phobia, is relatively easy to explain, but the answer may differ from what phobia sufferers are often led to

What are the symptoms of phobias?
Different Phobias

Social phobia anxiety disorder

While some people would describe social phobia anxiety disorder as “shyness” if you ask anybody who suffers from the condition they will tell you that