Our Phobia Articles

Phobia for needles
Different Phobias

Phobia for needles

A phobia for needles is called trypanophobia and is something many people suffer from. It can cause anxiety, depression and fear. Thankfully, there are ways

Phobia myths that keep people stuck
Different Phobias

Celebrity phobias you won’t believe!

Despite the fact that we very often place celebrities on a pedestal, they are still prone to everyday trials and traumas just like everybody else.

Fear of toilets
Different Phobias

Fear of toilets, Paruresis

Did you know there is a condition known as Paruresis which is quite literally a fear of toilets. While to some people this may be

Neoannophobia, the fear of New Year
Different Phobias

Neoannophobia, the fear of New Year

As we move into the start of a New Year    many people will be struggling with Neoannophobia which is literally translated as a fear of

Treatment for driving phobias.
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Driving phobia

As you might expect, a driving phobia (also know as vehophobia) is quite literally the fear of driving. While we generally associate this with cars

Different Phobias

What is a fear of lifts called?

The chances are that we all know at least one person who has a fear of lifts (elevators), the person who looks for the stairs

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Coulrophobia, a fear of clowns

A fear of clowns, or to give it the correct name Coulrophobia, is something very much in the news at the moment with newspaper reports

Fear is our friend
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Exam anxiety

Whether you are someone waiting to take an exam or perhaps you have friends or family taking exams, these can be very stressful times. Exam

What are the symptoms of phobias?
Different Phobias

Social phobia anxiety disorder

While some people would describe social phobia anxiety disorder as “shyness” if you ask anybody who suffers from the condition they will tell you that

Help is at hand
Different Phobias

Politicophobia, a fear of politics

As we approach the general election in the UK, and indeed an array of other elections around the world, it is perhaps ironic that the