Are you suffering from sleep deprivation?

Are you suffering from sleep deprivation?Scientists have proved there is a link between anxiety and sleep deprivation which is obviously bad news for those who suffer from insomnia and other similar conditions but perhaps to be forewarned is to be forearmed? We will now take a look at very simple signs that you are suffering from sleep deprivation and how they impact your everyday life.

Frustration over small issues

Have you ever experienced a situation where a simple decision suddenly becomes the focus of your whole attention even though it should be decided within a few seconds? Research has shown that those suffering from sleep deprivation will have major problems making very simple decisions which make them frustrated and build their anxiety.

While we all like structure in our lives there is also research to show that sleep deprivation leads to a difficulty in accepting small changes to your itinerary. There is also evidence to suggest that those with chronic sleep deprivation can sometimes take risky decisions which they would probably otherwise have avoided.

Constant hunger

Doctors have clear evidence that a lack of sleep has a major impact upon your eating habits leading to many people eating late at night and probably not the most nutritious food. Lack of sleep causes a reduction in the amount of the hormone leptin, which curbs appetite, and an increase in the ghrelin hormone which stimulates hunger. Do you recognise any of these issues?

Comment from : “As we have established on this forum lack of sleep contributes greatly to a rise in mental health issues as well as making any existing problems worse and harder to cope with. As someone that has suffered with extreme insomnia in the past I can confirm this to be true. I thought we could all share our tips and tricks to help us drift off to sleep.

The more tired you are in the evening the more chance you will let your guard down with regards to self-control and issues such as diets. The mind and body will push you towards sugar-based energy foods and beverages as a “quick pick me up” and a boost for the body.

Highly emotional

In reality anxiety is a form of high emotion and doctors have also obtained clear evidence that a lack of sleep increases the use of part of the brain which processes fear and anxiety. There is also reduced activity in other areas of the brain which allow us to rationally consider different situations and our reactions. Hence, this is the reason why many people who suffer from sleep deprivation act as if they are depressed, highly emotional and they are more susceptible to tears for no apparent reason.

Anxiety and a state of high emotional turmoil are in reality one and the same and the fact that doctors have a firm link between sleep deprivation and a highly emotional state says everything. In order to combat anxiety and other issues such as phobias you need to give your body and your mind time to rest. Do not underestimate the power of sleep it can literally change your life!


While we are all different with regards to sleeping patterns the fact remains that sleep is a vital element of everyday life and perhaps the foundation of mental-health stability. These definitive links between sleep deprivation and an array of emotional upheavals create the perfect environment for anxiety to grow and unless checked potentially take over your life.

Why not test yourself next time you’re feeling down, ensure that you have a good night sleep for at least a few days through the week and see if you feel any better. We guarantee you will be surprised by the results!



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