Panic attack coping techniques



Staff member
One of the main benefits of this forum is the ability to swap and share ideas and coping techniques which work for you. We should be grateful if you would list a successful panic attack coping technique which works for you. You may be able to help somebody else in a similar situation and make life more bearable.


Staff member
While I have had great success with breathing techniques I think the most successful panic attack coping technique for me was to focus upon a person whom I respected and admired. In the past, in the throes of a full-blown panic attack, I used to focus upon my grandfather who was a very important part of my life and think to myself what he would say.

We are all very different but this particular technique allowed me to focus on something else other than the panic attack which quite quickly reduced my anxiety and allowed me to regain control.


New Member
I've never heard of the technique of focusing on what someone important to you would say - that's a good suggestion. Splashing your face with cold water is also a good way to shock your system out of the negative thought processes you are experiencing.


I’ve heard a lot about meditation helping to relieve stress and I think this could be something very useful for us suffering with crippling stress and anxiety. I’m also wondering if this would help those of us that suffer with panic attacks? Not only would it be beneficial for helping calming stress and anxiety which can bring on a panic attack but I think it could help with the physical symptoms too as apparently meditation slows your heart rate and breathing down and helps reduce sweating.

Does anyone currently practice this technique or think it would be worth giving it a go?