What are the most common phobias?

  • Thread starter Anxietysufferer
  • Start date


I did a bit of research and this seems to be the top 15 list of common phobias:-

1. Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders
2. Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes
3. Acrophobia - Fear of heights
4. Claustrophobia - Fear of enclosed or confined spaces
5. Aerophobia - Fear of flying
6. Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) - Fear of social situations or performance situations
7. Agoraphobia - Fear of being in places or situations from which escape may be difficult
8. Mysophobia - Fear of germs or contamination
9. Hemophobia - Fear of blood
10. Cynophobia - Fear of dogs
11. Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning
12. Trypophobia - Fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes
13. Dentophobia - Fear of dentists or dental procedures
14. Claustrophobia - Fear of crowds
15. Glossophobia - Fear of public speaking

Unfortunately, I recognise a few!!!