Can health-related phobias really affect your health?



Staff member
As more and more people experience health-related phobias there are concerns as to whether this particular issue can result in a physical impact upon your health. While some people believe that to a certain extent phobias are psychological/mental issues have you ever experienced a physical impact on your health when suffering from health-related phobias?


Active Member
If you ask those who suffer from phobias whether they have an impact upon their health the majority will say yes. While phobias may well be strongly connected with mental stress there is no doubt that they can also impact your physical well-being. This is why it is vital to learn to control your phobias as soon as possible via an array of relaxation techniques.


As was already mentioned by Mark, stress that is related to phobias takes it’s toll on the body and can cause physical symptoms such as upset stomach, frequent colds and infections and insomnia. In regards to a health phobia effecting your health itself I think that some people tend to avoid doctors or hospitals and this of course can be dangerous and very damaging to the individuals physical health if they fail to receive medical treatment for a health condition when it is needed. This causes sufferers to neglect their health which may lead to further health problems and complications
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