Politicophobia, what is it?



Staff member
As the name suggests the term politicophobia is used to describe a person who has a genuine fear of politicians and the political system. Some people may think this is something of a made up condition but think about this. While many of may live in the democratic western world, what about the fear which politics brings to countries which have not yet embraced democracy - remember the Arab Spring and the violence that followed?

Lets not forget the fact that while many of us have a deep distrust of politicians, some people can find them intimidating and frightening. Does this perhaps explain why the percentage of adults who actually vote tends to be extremely low?


Active Member
I think this phobia is directly related to a lack of trust in politicians and uncertainty which is not good for those susceptible to phobias. In many ways we have come to accept that politicians will promise one thing before the election and do something totally different afterwards. Is this the real reason why so few people actually vote?


Active Member
I cant wait for the election to be over after 10pm tomorrow!


I imagine that politicophobia is a real struggle for sufferers. I think it also stems down from lack of control. Many people feel that many policies that are enforced are the sole choices of Government officials and political leaders. Worrying about how these decisions will effect our own lives and the way we live can be a concern. I think gaining some small involvement and to feel like you are contributing to the decisions made could be helpful. For instance if you disagree with a certain policy e.g the previous badger cull, you can find petitions that oppose certain enforcement's and by actively signing these you could help get that petition reviewed by the Government if the required number of signatures are met. You also have the opportunity to write directly to the Prime Minister.

By doing this it can make you feel more proactive and involved in some of the decisions made which can help you feel like you can gain some kind of control.